2014 - Yorkshire Photos


Band trip to Yorkshire - 27th-29th June 2014

IMG 4841
IMG 4841

On arrival at York
IMG 4853
IMG 4853

Yorkshire ready for "le grand départ"
IMG 4854
IMG 4854

The silver fox and his girls
IMG 4856
IMG 4856

Packed audience at Ripley
IMG 4857-8
IMG 4857-8

Set up at Ripley Village
IMG 4859
IMG 4859

Ready to go at Ripley
IMG 4861
IMG 4861

Modelling summer beachwear in Yorkshire!
IMG 4865
IMG 4865

Small drummer, nice flowers!
IMG 4872
IMG 4872

Lunch after the gig
IMG 4873
IMG 4873

Lunch after the gig
IMG 4874
IMG 4874

Lunch after the gig
IMG 4879
IMG 4879

Clearly up to no good!
IMG 4892
IMG 4892

Music of the Night
IMG 4893
IMG 4893

Spitfire flypast whilst playing at Ripon
IMG 4898
IMG 4898

The bottom end, appropriately dressed
IMG 4900
IMG 4900

Clarinets and Horns
IMG 4903
IMG 4903

The saxes

Spot the difference!
IMG 4950
IMG 4950

One is full of steam, the other hot air . . .
IMG 4953
IMG 4953

1940s Day at Valley Gardens
IMG 4955
IMG 4955

Max and Jenny
IMG 4958
IMG 4958

BCB cluster at the 1940s day
IMG 4963
IMG 4963

We'll meet again
IMG 4966
IMG 4966

Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
IMG 5047
IMG 5047

Pateley Bridge Bandstand
IMG 4977
IMG 4977

Blooming clarinets
IMG 4978
IMG 4978

Sax section paying attention and concentrating hard
IMG 4988
IMG 4988

Brenda and Jon
IMG 4993
IMG 4993

It only looks like there was nobody there . . .
IMG 5017
IMG 5017

The serious "arty"! shot
IMG 5019
IMG 5019

John and Helen
IMG 5020
IMG 5020

1st Cornet
IMG 4996
IMG 4996

Steve on the strings
IMG 4998
IMG 4998

Music of (another) night
IMG 4999
IMG 4999

Tony plays along with "snake hips" Spencer
IMG 5064
IMG 5064

Tony and Dan, belting the brass
IMG 5022
IMG 5022

Reed conference
IMG 5024
IMG 5024

Piles of instruments
IMG 5031
IMG 5031

H & B
IMG 5032
IMG 5032

Some of our beautiful flowers
IMG 5033
IMG 5033

Crackin' digestives, Gromit!
IMG 5035
IMG 5035

Bassoons, clarinets & trumpets all need cool lips
IMG 5102
IMG 5102

"Mummy, make the noise stop!"
IMG 5040
IMG 5040

"Where's me shovel?"
IMG 5079
IMG 5079

Brass and clarinets giving some welly!
IMG 5072
IMG 5072

Multi-sax honk
IMG 5069
IMG 5069

IMG 5116
IMG 5116

Rodney lying down on the job
IMG 5120-1
IMG 5120-1

This is us! (serious)
IMG 5124-1
IMG 5124-1

This is us! (not so serious)