Social Events

Social Events
Type of post: Band news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Lara Cawthra
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, 4 Feb 2025
The band has an active social side with an annual dinner, ten-pin bowling nights, picnics, etc. Not forgetting the odd drink or two down the pub after rehearsals on a Tuesday! At the present time we are frequenting The Black Prince at New Haw. Click here for map

Past Events 
Photos of these events can be viewed in the Photo Gallery
40th Anniversary Celebration - 6th July 2024 

WBA Wind Band Festival - October 2018 
Isle of Wight - June 2015
Yorkshire - June 2014
Derby - June 2013 
Guernsey - July 2012 
Jersey - June 2011
25th Anniversary Celebration - 11th July 2009 
Le Touquet - June 2009 
Isle of Wight Tour - June 2008 
Trip to Devon - June/July 2007 
Trip to France - June/July 2006 
20th Anniversary Celebration - 29th August 2004
Trip to Belgium with the Bagshot Band – April/May 2004